Year of making:2011
Genre: BDSM, Equipment, Sensory Deprivation, Electroplay
In roles:JG-Leathers, Ashley Renee
Description:After the end in bdsm free greek movie hoses, a wire, dildo, bondage and a gas mask, Eshli Ren has plunged into the personal world of feebleness and incomparable sexual stimulation. So it is practicable to describe conclusion experience in device The Creature.
Numbering 30 years of beauty, this difficult collection bdsm suspension of devices named the Creature - a child of the Canadian bdsm free hogtied father and inventor JG-Leathers. Aspiration JG to learn extreme experience slavery became a motive power at creation of this device similar to creations of exasperated inventor Rube Goldberg, stuffed with mechanics, a pneumatic and electronics. Enclosed to the person, the Creature operates bdsm dating like a dizzy trip on a roller coaster, on bdsm free in man pain the other hand in the appendix to bondage, isolation and feebleness.
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